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Futurae tree

With Prosilience, we intentionally build our resilience muscles so we can flow with change and create, grow and energise our working lives

When people feel weakened, whether by outside forces like covid and load shedding or by inner emotional turmoil, they cannot bring the fullness of their talent or share their best selves.


.futurae works with leaders, teams and individuals to build the resilience and the capacity needed for high-performing teams and successful businesses. We use the cutting-edge Lumina toolkit, Individual and Team Coaching, Experiential programs and Culture interventions.


What do Prosilient Employees look like?

great at self-regulating 

adapt more easily

courage to level up or lean in​

confident and energised

bring their full value and talent

Image by Aaron Burden - Tree with Lake

  What have Prosilient People learnt that others have not yet?

to create Choices

to understand their Nervous System 

to see the Forest

to source support from their People

to work with their Why

Human energy is arguably the single most critical resource in a successful business today and harnessing and developing that energy in our employees is becoming the single most critical function a leader must cultivate, going into the future.


The rate of change and levels of turbulence will not be easing in the foreseeable future. Rather they will be increasing, and it is our capacity to meet that challenge with confidence, flexibility and proactive resilience that will be the determining factors in our future success.


Let’s get real:  the burnout pandemic is getting worse and its not doing any of us any good at all

Image by Afonso Coutinho

Paul Thagard Phd, a philosopher and cognitive scientist, says: “Even better than resilience is the ability of a person, ecology, economy, or other systems to respond to difficulties by getting better, not just recovering to a previous state”. 

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